The AiSAP Platform

The RealSAM platform is changing the lives of visually impaired people in Australia, the UK and the US.  It is an execution of our AiSAP Engine designed with talents to aid Blind and Visually Impaired users, in the toughest market for voice technology.

The Backbone of AI Solutions

AiSAP (Autonomous Intelligent Software Agent Platform) is our proprietary platform for developing Autonomous Intelligent Software Agents with an “every day speech” interface. It’s designed to be the backbone of any AI enabled development, providing language, logic and connectivity.

Utilizing a cutting edge “BDI agent system”, AiSAP allows for the development of systems that allow its users to get things done intelligently in the real world, even when they are sleeping.

AiSAP is unique in that it’s a platform for building Voice Operated, Autonomous, Intelligent Software Agents.

AiSAP Agents are

Easy to learn and use

with the most natural and forgiving of interfaces (Natural Language Understanding).


Data is flushed every 24 hours and there is no backend team listening in and analyzing


allowing users to pause an instruction and deal with issues or commence another plan or even change their mind

Open to Innovation

allowing other emerging areas of AI and your systems
to be plugged in.

Not a Black Box

you know why it acts the way it does


It doesn’t hallucinate and it knows when it doesn’t know

Can Act Autonomously

So the Agents are working when you’re not!!

Focussed on Achieving your Goals

not process focused

Proven in the Most Demanding of Situations

we work with visually impaired people in the US & UK under our RealSAM brand.

For our clients, AiSAP marries their domain specific language & logic, with activity models such as; meeting sub goals to achieve a larger goal, goals in parallel, goals in changing contexts, complex search and browse, and explicit commands to achieve the users outcome. All in a natural language environment. For example “Find Books narrated by Stephen Fry about Crime that my book club hasn’t read yet…..Download that one to my bookshelf”.

Example Uses for AiSAP deployment include

Call Centers Reducing the cost of scaling by providing machine based intelligent conversations and resulting actions.

Health Hands free activity logging to increase revenues and improving patient outcomes through nursing sta course correction.

Law Precedent research whilst on the move, combined with Client billing.

Heavy Equipment & Power Improving safety outcomes by providing a hands & eyes free interface for manual interrogation and parts ordering.

Publishing Creating new channels for book distribution – with subscription or purchase. Allowing simple to complex search, browse & recommendation – with streaming or download

Mobility – Finding optimal routes to get around based on a variety of transport & data sources, including using bluetooth beacons and Navilens for the last couple of meters.

The sky’s the limit. Organizations can apply their own domain logic and language to create private applications on AiSAP that are optimized for their needs.

Our RealSAM range of devices

RealThing Ai has proven our AiSAP technology in the toughest and most rewarding market for voice – providing tools to support independent living & improving the quality of life to people living with sight loss. The RealSAM product suite has become the preferred platform for some of the biggest blind organisations in the world.

RealThing Ai is an Australian Artificial Intelligence business focussed on developing and
licensing, industry leading voice technology. Formed in 2008, we have an operational
presence in North America, the UK and Australia. RealThing Ai is the trading name of
RealThing Entertainment Pty Ltd and its subsidiary companies.